Adapted from Maturana & Varela, Willert and Meadows

“The world we perceive is not an absolute reality but a construct we bring forth with others, shaped by our individual preconceptions and experiences. While we may never grasp the full picture alone, our understanding is forged in mutual agreements. There are no separate systems in the vast continuum of the world; where we choose to draw boundaries depends on the purpose of our discourse. Everything we believe to know is but a model, resonating with the world yet never capturing its full essence.”

Systems Theory and Osteopathic Practice. Are They Compatible?

Initially inspired by how change manegement (and leadership) uses the paradigm of Systems Theory (ST) to create a disred change, we set out to explore how System Theory could support Osteopathy.

Through relevant research endveours the intention is to explore if it is possible to argue for a Systems Thoeory Paradigm that could support the field of Osteopahtic Medicine. The desire is to rightfully call the paradigm Osteopahtic Systems Thinking (OST) ©.

If you like to engage in these endvours, we urge to sign up using the form below. Doing so you will be informed of any updates on this sight. As an osteopath you will be invited to join our future studies if you like. Clik on “Future Action Reserach iterations” to read more.

If you are a seasoned researcher and you are intrigued by what you read

Diving into the research domain of ST, there’s a keen interest in connecting with experienced researchers. If this work resonates or captures your attention, any insights, questions, or perspectives you might share are deeply appreciated. The aim is to broaden the network and deepen expertise, with hopes of fostering collaborative dialogues, receiving guidance, and exploring mentorship opportunities. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Why Systems Theory?

Systems Theory offers a holistic framework for understanding and influencing complex systems, and it can be applied across diverse domains, from management and engineering to medicine and ecology. When it comes to osteopathy, Systems Theory might provide a holistic lens through which the interconnectedness of living systems and processes can be better understood, addressed and managed, in the environemnt they interact with.

Introduction to Systems Theory and Osteopathy

Theories supporting OST

Some of the current theories, which partially form the foundation for the exploration of OST.

Closing remark. It’s important to remember that what has been presented here is just the beginning; the exploration of Osteopathic Systems Thinking (OST) is still in its infancy. As research in this realm continues, its viability and potential contributions to osteopathy will become clearer.”

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